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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mclaughlan


The important thing about writing - the MOST important thing about writing - is that you write!

Which, of course, begs the question, "But what should I write about?"

We use that as a stalling mechanism. We wait until inspiration strikes. We wait for something new, for something important, for something worth writing about... The end result is, we wait. We don't write.

Inspiration will often strike WHILE you are writing. That story you set out to tell might change into something completely unexpected. It only gets the chance to metamorphose like that if you are writing.

It's not for nothing that so many people follow Julia Cameron's advice on Morning Pages. The author of The Artists Way strongly recommends writing three pages of whatever every morning, because it un-blocks the creative pathways.

But still we resist. Still we cry, "What shall we write about?"

In his collection of Essays, Calypso, David Sedaris writes a few thousand words on... his fitbit!

Got a fitbit?

Give it a try.

Don't worry if you don't make it entertaining. Don't despair if it doesn't have anything to say about the human condition. Sedaris' essay does both of those things. But he's been writing a long time.

He's been writing.

Want to get to that point?

Get writing.

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