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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mclaughlan


When I set writing prompts for the group (and myself), I try to be creative; to suggest something that will stimulate the imagination.

But, sometimes, there is just no avoiding the obvious. Write about springtime. Write about Christmas. Write about what you did on your holidays.

And, if I do suggest them, I can almost see imaginations shutting down!

As subjects, they are overdone. Obvious.

And therein lies the challenge I always hope writers will rise to - to find something new to say about a subject that has apparently been done-to-death.

If I suggested writing about New Year, a variety of obvious topics would rise to the forefront of most minds - resolutions, new beginnings, the bells, shortbread and ginger wine, family who aren't with us any more...

And, if you can make something about any of those, then, all power to you. But the most creative trick is to find a new thing to say about it, or a new way of looking at it.

Like the amazing Brian Bilston does here.

So, New Year without being boring :-) Whatcha got?

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