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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mclaughlan


I went to see a comedy show.

I came away with feelings I wasn't sure I understood.

Lying in bed, later, I started writing randon thoughts on my tablet.

The end result is below, pretty much as I wrote it, leaning over my pillow.


...if I wanted to, I could read it out loud to see how it flowed

I could revisit my choice of words for greater impact.

I could look at line length.

I could look at the internal rythm of those lines

I could count sylables.

I could try to make it rhyme.

I could do all (or some, or none) of that stuff.

But I couldn't do any of it without first getting the words down on the page.

Writers should have notebooks (or computer files) full of first drafts. Many will never see the light of day. A few will transform in ways you never imagined at the beginning.

The important thing is to get those words down!


Wee man on a big stage

Getting paid, or sometimes paying

To call yourself comedian

You wear your hair, wear your clothes,

In a way your boring-day-job

Workmates would never recognize

And you talk down to people who look

Like everyone who ever scared you

You swear like you were never allowed to

Anywhere else, excessively, almost exuberantly

Except there is no joy in it

And this isn’t comedy

This is a rock-‘n’-roll way to get therapy

Where you can let it all out and not have to

Buy into getting better

I know your mother, wee man on a big stage

Your deepest source of comfort and self-esteem

And I’d hug you for that alone

The stage isn’t your support, merely your enabler

Stop trying to make them laugh until they cry

Come on down among the other walking wounded

Where there are hands to hold as you walk through the pain

And cry... until you can laugh

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