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  • Writer's pictureDavid Mclaughlan


One of the writers most useful tools is the phrase "What if..."

But, sometimes we are hesitant to get too imaginative with it for fear of being ridiculous.

Like... what if... you were giving blood and the automatic cut-off stopped working and the blood kept flowing and no one noticed?

That is, of course, beyond belief. The Blood Transfusion service is a highly professional organisation. That would never happen.

When it happened to me, the nurse in charge said such a thing happen before in her long career!

How much did they take?

Enough that they might not take any more from me next time they are in town.

If you think an idea is beyond the bounds of possibility, ask yourself, how often have you heard people say, "That's never happened before"?


I was fine. I got extra Tunnocks Tea-cakes out of it, so, result! In 36 donations, this is the only time everything didn't go to plan. Give blood, folks. It's vitally important! Then write about it :-) I have, in the past. You meet some inspiring people at those places.

And remember, no situation is beyond a good What If!

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